Sunday, May 10, 2009

New books at Gil

The Library stocktake is now complete, a source of great relief for the people who work there. We would like to thank Gilgandra residents for their patience while the Library was closed. The good news is that we only need to stocktake every 2 years, so this won’t happen again until 2011. The stocktake triggered a stock rotation, so a lot of our books have been sent on to other branches of North Western Library. Over coming weeks, the other libraries will commence their stocktake, and our shelves will gradually fill again, as their books are sent on to us.

This week, we received a new book for older teenagers by Paul Jennings. Jennings books are well known and very popular, but he has previously written mainly for younger readers, with book series such as “Rascal the dragon”, “Wicked!” and “Deadly!” “The nest” is his first venture into “young adult” writing. On his blog , Jennings writes that it took him 4 years to write this book.

It’s about a 16 year old boy who gets unwanted images flashing through his mind and questions about his past haunt him as he searches for clues within himself and his own writing”.

Another new arrival at the Library is “Choir Man” by Jonathon Welch. Jonathon Welch is known to most of us as the Founding Musical Director of the Choir of Hard Knocks. He is also a well known opera singer and conductor. This is the story of his personal life; his childhood in suburban Melbourne where he showed theatrical tendencies, his family story, the story of his wonderful opera and theatre career, and his involvement in the Choir of Hard Knocks. It should be a good read.

On Jonathon Welch’s website Jimmy Barnes is quoted as saying "Jonathon is not only compassionate, warm and friendly but is also extremely brave. Not because he has worked with people who are in need but because of the demons of his own that he shows to the world — his own frailty, his own fears and his own dreams. I think this is what makes him a special person. When I look at him, I see someone who is like me and someone who I'd like to be."

We hope you are enjoying whatever you are reading this week!

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