Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Writer's Workshop: Putting the Past in Print

Many of us want to write about the past: stories about ourselves to pass on to children and grandchildren, family history we have collected over the years, the history of our local community.  Colleen O'Sullivan, a Writing Fellow of the Fellowship of Australian Writers NSW, will be conducting a Writer's Workshop at the Library, and welcomes anyone with an interest in writing to attend.

This session will provide you with ideas for getting your material together and writing it so that you capture your readers' interest.

When:  Saturday 5th May, 1.30-5pm

Where: Gilgandra Shire Library

Cost:  Free

Afternoon tea provided.

Bookings are essential.  To book, phone the Library 6817 8877 or email library@gilgandra.nsw.gov.au .  RSVP Thursday 3rd May.

Colleen has asked that you bring along a cup & saucer, or a mug that you value, a journal or exercise book, and a photo.

All welcome!  This is an event to celebrate the National Year of Reading 2012.

Story Time this Thursday- Annie to the rescue!

Story Time will be held at the Library this Thursday 26th April, commencing at 10.30am.  We’ll be reading “Annie to the rescue” by Deborah Niland, and there will be rhymes, songs and craft for little hands.  Story Time is for babies, toddlers, under 5s and their parents or carers, and everyone is welcome. 

Story Time is free, but we ask you to book in so that we have enough materials ready.  You can book by phoning 6817 8877, or by emailing library@gilgandra.nsw.gov.au. 

Holiday Manga Drawing Competition


We hope everyone had a great Easter Holiday.  It is time to get your entries back to the Library for the Manga Drawing Competition. 

The rules are simple: 

1.    Your creation must fit on a sheet of white A4 paper (297 x 210mm). 

2.   You may want to create a story and tell it in comic strip format, or create your own manga character, drawn in pencil, crayon or pen. 

3.   The competition is open to children and young people aged up to 18 years. 

4.   A prize of a $30 gift card will be awarded to the entry judged best in each of 3 categories:  Under 10 years old, 10-14 years old, and 15-18 years. 

5.   All entries need to have the artist’s name, age, address and phone number on the back. 

6.   Entries will be laminated and displayed at the Library, and by entering this competition you give permission for this. 

7.   Entries should be handed in at the Library, and the competition closes on Friday 27th April at 5pm.

Have fun!