Gilgandra school students can now receive free tutoring help online at their library or home, through an innovative new service just introduced by the Library. The service, called “yourtutor“, creates an online classroom where students are connected to qualified tutors for one- to - one help with homework, assignments, exam preparation and study questions.
English, Maths and Science subjects are included and the service is available 4pm-8pm, Monday to Friday from either library or home computers. Help is immediate, professional and secure and it’s free to library members. Students in Years 4-12, simply log on to the library’s website (http://nwls.spydus.com/), scroll down and click on the link to access the program, using their library membership card number to login.
Tutors are certified teachers, professional tutors, post graduates and advanced undergraduates from Australian universities. They can review specific homework and assignment questions with students on line, using features like controlled chat, an interactive white board and shared web browsing. This service has a lot of advantages for students. It is immediate: when they login, within moments they are in a one to one, instant messaging conversation with a tutor. It’s anonymous: students have said that it’s easy and comfortable to ask questions online, even if they think it’s something they should already know. It’s interactive: co-browsing the internet, file sharing and the interactive whiteboard allow students and the tutor to work their way through a specific question.
Students should use yourtutor if they get stuck on a maths question, want feedback on an essay before they hand it in, would like a tutor to help with a chemistry equation, or need help finding resources and researching a topic. Gilgandra Shire Library has taken a 12 month subscription to this service, which is provided by an Australian-owned company called Tutoring Australasia. We would like to know whether you think this service is worthwhile; please give it a go and tell us what you think.
English, Maths and Science subjects are included and the service is available 4pm-8pm, Monday to Friday from either library or home computers. Help is immediate, professional and secure and it’s free to library members. Students in Years 4-12, simply log on to the library’s website (http://nwls.spydus.com/), scroll down and click on the link to access the program, using their library membership card number to login.
Tutors are certified teachers, professional tutors, post graduates and advanced undergraduates from Australian universities. They can review specific homework and assignment questions with students on line, using features like controlled chat, an interactive white board and shared web browsing. This service has a lot of advantages for students. It is immediate: when they login, within moments they are in a one to one, instant messaging conversation with a tutor. It’s anonymous: students have said that it’s easy and comfortable to ask questions online, even if they think it’s something they should already know. It’s interactive: co-browsing the internet, file sharing and the interactive whiteboard allow students and the tutor to work their way through a specific question.
Students should use yourtutor if they get stuck on a maths question, want feedback on an essay before they hand it in, would like a tutor to help with a chemistry equation, or need help finding resources and researching a topic. Gilgandra Shire Library has taken a 12 month subscription to this service, which is provided by an Australian-owned company called Tutoring Australasia. We would like to know whether you think this service is worthwhile; please give it a go and tell us what you think.